Saba Ali


Saba Ali is a PA to celebrities and  individuals whilst balancing and giving back through her work as a trustee and ally for Galop, a charity supporting LGBTQ+ folk who are victims of abuse, covering all aspects from domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, so-called conversion therapies, honour-based abuse and forced marriage. Through her personal experiences, Saba is able to highlight the mental health and wellbeing of young people, highlighting the lack of support they receive, issues with cultural identity, racism, homophobia and transphobia. She also sits on the Crown Prosecution Service panel for hate crime.  As someone who has experienced so much, Saba holds on to hope in her daily work and life and I was curious to hear how Saba found her way through such personal struggle to now help those suffering the same, whilst raising awareness around such important issues. It was grounding and inspiring to hear how Saba found her path and shaped a safe space in the world for her to thrive.



Raechel Kelly


Luis Lopez-Smith